The Future of
Cybersecurity Learning

CourseOps provides a single, integrated platform for cutting-edge courseware and real-world labs to enable educators to help students secure the world.

Why CourseOps

First Hand Knowledge

With NSA, DoD, and Fortune 100 experience, our courseware is built by the absolute best in the industry.

Real-world Labs

CourseOps provides a seamless learning experience with hands-on labs built into each course.

Always Up-to-Date

Our experts maintain lab and course content to ensure it stays cutting-edge and up-to-date.

Supported Learning

Our support team is there for the times when learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom.

Integrated Learning


Interactive and always up-to-date, CourseOps lessons provide an enhanced reading experience.


Developed by industry experts, CourseOps labs enables learners to get deep, technical experience and knowledge.


Integrated learning with lessons, labs, and quizzes to ensure comprehension, retention, and application.


Complete the learning experience with CourseOps grading and progress monitoring capabilities.

Built to Address the Changing Needs of Our Industry

Based on NSA and DoD methodologies, CourseOps launched with a mission of closing the skills gap and workforce shortage in cybersecurity. Our courses, labs, and programs are designed to simulate real-world attacks and defenses. Our team has first-hand experience conducting cyber-operations for the to NSA and DoD. Our courseware follows the specifications of national frameworks for the cybersecurity workforce development, including NIST-NICE, NSA-CAE, and others.

Young man mobile developer

Developed by Industry Experts

Every CourseOps course, lab, and program is developed by an industry subject matter expert with deep, technical knowledge, first-hand experience conducting cyberoperations, and a thorough understanding of how attackers and defenders think and operate. This culmination of knowledge and experience translates into an absolute best-in-class educational experience and transfer of knowledge.
Woman working on computer network graphic overlay

Skills, not Theory

Hands-on, real-world labs are an integral part of the learning experience. While our courseware and programs are focused on certifications and national frameworks, our labs provide critical skillsets that can only be obtained through hands-on exercises. Cybersecurity education without real-world labs is like becoming a doctor without stepping in a hospital.

Our Numbers at a Glance

of companies have a cybersecurity skills shortage.
0 %
Job Openings by 2025
0 M
cybersecurity workforce shortage in the United States
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